Year 2 Learning Conversations: (3) Weight7 June 2019 (by Patricia Page (admin)) |
Chestnut Class Learning Conversation 07.06.19
Capacity: Weighing Maths
Our Maths topic is Capacity. We have weighed objects using grams and kilograms. Please help your child to understand that there are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram and that ‘g’ means grams and’ kg’ means kilograms. You can do this by looking at the weights on packets and tins. We have compared weights too and begun to realise that objects that are larger are not always heavier. You could line up packets/tins according to size then see if the position alters when the same packets/tins are lined from lightest to heaviest. You could also find out which objects weigh the heaviest/lightest in the store cupboard or weigh objects using kitchen scales to see if the recorded weight matches the reading on the scale!