A message from Rev. Tim Hawkings18 March 2020 (by Patricia Page (admin)) |
Dear Parents/Carers and Guardians,
As part of the national response to the Coronavirus, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have called for all Church of England churches to suspend public worship until further notice. Sadly this includes of course, the planned Messy Church on Saturday and the Mothering Sunday service.
They have encouraged us to pray on Sunday at 7pm and put a lighted candle in our window. We need to remember all who are most affected and to support one another in ways that we can. We might not be able to give our posies of flowers in church on Mothering Sunday, but we are asking you, if you can, to think about making a few posies and taking them to the door of people who are isolated, and, if we can, offer other practical help.
Far from having to shut up shop, the church building in Axbridge will remain open during the daytime as a place of private prayer for anyone in the community.
May we be people with clean hands and open hearts!
All good wishes,