Axbridge C of E First School Academy

Moorland Street, Axbridge, Somerset, BS26 2BA


Axbridge C of E First School Academy

  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Twitter - Please Follow Us!

Twitter - Please Follow Us!

25 March 2020 (by Patricia Page (admin))

To all parents/carers,

 Many of you are aware of the school Twitter page and regularly comment and view the wonderful work and opportunities our pupils undertake.Now more than ever, we feel that this is an additional opportunity that will ensure we stay in touch and continue to celebrate the many wonderful things you will be doing at home. We want to see the drawings, the cakes (good and bad), the maths, the stories and anything else that you have undertaken. In order to do that, we would ask you to download the Twitter app and follow us on @AxbridgeSchool . We cannot promise to respond to every post, but we will try our hardest!

We look forward to seeing what you have been up to! 

The Axbridge Team